welcome 👋🏽

the synopsis

I identify as many things including but not limited to: a daughter, sister, masi, friendship-escalator, inconsistent runner, budding minimalist, nervous writer, curious artist, life-long learner, lapsed-martial artist, plant parent, ice cream connoisseur, outdoor enthusiast, scuba diver, an empath, and on occasion a little bit clairvoyant.

Professionally, I’m a researcher and strategist. I spend my time understanding people and the choices they make in order to better influence them — basically the Earth version of Jedi mind control. Here’s the paper version if you’re into that. 

I have been lucky to have lived in many places and currently home is my charming walkup in Manhattan. This is the most “at home” I have ever felt and in cultivating this I’ve learned that much of what makes a place feel like home is not what you put into it but everything around it – the community you build.

In an alternate universe I imagine I’d be using my clairvoyance as a therapist, helping people be closer to the planet, each other, and themselves.

the specifics

I’m working on rebalancing my time to create more and consume less. Most days end up being imperfect but in general I believe it’s a worthy pursuit to use my hands or words to create things that didn’t exist before. Most of these experiments end up as drafts in my notes app or crafts in the corner of my closet. All this is an effort to focus on the process and experience of making rather than the outcome of sharing. 

A few things on my mind lately:  

  • For those who are naturally introspective (🙋🏽‍♀️) there is such a thing as too much introspection. We need to spend less time thinking about ourselves and much more time observing the world around us.

  • I wish we had more spontaneous, unstructured time with each other. Too much of life is scheduled and planned which allows us to compose versions of our selves that perform for others. I dream of a future where we have fewer social barriers and a less curated sense of self.

  • At my core I think I am deeply optimistic but I often struggled to find ways to activate my optimism into action. Open to suggestions for this.